Mammoth Holdings, LLC (“Mammoth”), an Atlanta-based conveyor car wash operator, announced that PureMagic Carwash (“PureMagic”), a seven-unit express conveyor car wash operator with three additional units in development in Knoxville, TN has agreed to join Mammoth. PureMagic’s founders, Jim and Teri Rooney, each chose to invest a significant amount of their proceeds into Mammoth’s equity.
Gary Dennis, Mammoth’s co-founder and CEO, explained, “Jim Rooney is one of the most talented operators in the car wash industry and the dominant brand in his market. He and Teri [Rooney] are high-integrity, high-quality people, and we’re honored and excited they’ve chosen to become partners in the Mammoth family of brands.” He added, “Jim will become a senior vice president on Mammoth’s executive team where we intend to stay out of his way – allowing him to continue driving strong growth in the region.”
Source: PR Newswire