KKR & Co has appointed Evan Spiegel as a new Independent Director, bringing the total of independent directors on the company’s Board to eleven out of fifteen seats.
Spiegel is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Snap Inc, a publicly traded camera company that believes reinventing the camera represents the greatest opportunity to improve the way that people live and communicate.
KKR’s other independent directors include Adriane Brown (Managing Partner of Flying Fish Partners), Mary Dillon (Executive Chair of Ulta Beauty, Inc), Joseph Grundfest (Stanford Law Professor and former Commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission), Arturo Gutiérrez (Chief Executive Officer of Arca Continental, SAB de CV), John Hess (Director and Chief Executive Officer of Hess Corporation), Dane Holmes (Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Eskalera Inc), Xavier Niel (Deputy Chairman and Chief Strategy Officer of Iliad SA), Patricia Russo (former Chief Executive Officer of Alcatel-Lucent), Thomas Schoewe (former Chief Financial Officer of Walmart) and Robert Scully (former member of the Office of the Chairman of Morgan Stanley).
Read more/Source: Private Equity Wire