CAPZA has held the final closing of its CAPZA 5 Private Debt fund above its target with an investment capacity of EUR1.6 billion, exceeding the final closing of the previous fund (EUR950 million).
This fifth vintage will finance SMEs with an EBITDA of more than EUR12 million through unitranche and mezzanine debt mainly in France, Spain and Germany. The investment strategy remains focused on resilient and non-cyclical business models (healthcare, tech, etc).
Since 2004, CAPZA’s Private Debt teams have led more than 100 transactions, including most recently Questel (leader in intellectual property software), MVG (cutting-edge tech actor in the field of electromagnetic waves visualisation), Sterimed (world’s leading manufacturer of medical sterilisation packaging), and IC Consult (leader in identity and access management solutions) in Germany.
Read more at Private Equity Wire