Competition for private equity and venture capital funds has increased in recent months, but fundraising conditions should improve in 2022, according to Acuity Knowledge Partners’ (Acuity) global Private Equity (PE) and Venture Capital (VC) survey.
Respondents indicated that, amid the positive fundraising environment, funds available to deploy are likely to increase, with more than half of respondents expecting levels of dry powder to remain high for some time.
According to the results off the survey, the PE and VC sector remains strongly optimistic about fundraising. Despite many respondents (74 per cent) experiencing increasing competition for funds recently, almost the same number (72 per cent) still believe the quality of fundraising opportunities should improve in 2022; 21 per cent expect it to remain the same. Regionally, UK- and Europe-based firms are more optimistic about fundraising. Over 80 per cent of respondents from these regions expect an increase in fundraising, while only about 70 per cent of respondents from the US and Asia expect growth.
Read more: Private Equity Wire